FacePop: A Revolutionary Tool for Boosting Online Engagement

Abstract Painting

Published @ 12/06/2023 by

author fatos bediu

Fatos, Founder @ FacePop.io


In today's fast-paced online world, engaging customers and keeping them interested in your brand is a challenging task. Enter FacePop, a customizable video widget that is designed to enhance customer interaction and engagement. With its tailored call-to-action modes, seamless funneling, and integrated input field for easy email collection, FacePop is quickly becoming a go-to tool for businesses looking to boost online engagement.

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One of the most noteworthy features of FacePop is its tailored call-to-action modes that are optimized for engagement and conversion. With modes for funneling customers, creating an uninterrupted customer journey, and an integrated input field for easy email collection, FacePop provides businesses with an array of options for engaging their customers.

The widget also features an integrated calendar booking feature, so customers can easily schedule appointments and meetings. Additionally, FacePop provides extensive customization options, including user targeting based on specific criteria.

Furthermore, FacePop includes an AI assistant for crafting compelling messages that capture the attention of your audience. The behavior settings are intuitive and easy to use, allowing users to customize the widget's functionality. The shared workspace feature also ensures that team collaboration is seamless.

Last but not least, FacePop provides comprehensive performance reports that help businesses make data-driven decisions. The widget can be integrated with various tools, shared beyond the website through links or QR codes, and personalized using the CNAME feature. It also supports webhooks for triggering custom actions and provides an SDK and API for further customization to suit unique needs.


The key benefit of FacePop is that it enhances customer interaction and engagement, which is critical in today's online world. By using the widget's tailored call-to-action modes and seamless funneling, businesses can drive customer engagement and increase conversions.

Another benefit of FacePop is that it helps businesses improve the customer journey by creating an uninterrupted path that guides customers towards conversion. Furthermore, the integrated input field for easy email collection ensures that businesses can build their email lists while engaging their audience.

The AI assistant feature of FacePop is also incredibly useful, as it helps businesses craft compelling messages that resonate with their target audience. With the behavior settings, businesses can customize the widget's functionality to optimize engagement and conversions.

Finally, with FacePop's comprehensive performance reports, businesses can make data-driven decisions about their engagement strategies. Whether it's adjusting the widget's targeting options or tweaking call-to-action modes, FacePop's reports provide the insights businesses need to improve their online engagement.

FacePop Pricing Page

User Interface

FacePop is incredibly user-friendly and intuitive, with an easy-to-navigate dashboard that provides access to all of the widget's features. The welcome page offers a quick overview of the most important features of the widget and provides quick access to the different parts of the interface.

The upload video page allows businesses to add new content to their widgets quickly. The manager page enables access to editing, creating, and deleting FacePop widgets. Moreover, on the manager page, users can change the title and description of their widgets.

The call-to-action builder page enables users to create tailor-made call-to-action modes that are optimized for conversion and engagement. On this page, businesses can add funneling and conversion call-to-action modes, as well as other call-to-action modes like running code and closing the widget.

FacePop Reviews Page

Customization Options

One of the things that set FacePop apart is its extensive customization options. Users can customize the look and feel of their widgets, including positioning, shadow settings, vertical and horizontal margin, width, height, radius, play icon, and close icon.

The player features can also be customized, with options for player width, height, radius, seeker height, and control size. The widget's visual style can be further enhanced by selecting from a range of available fonts and colors.

Businesses can also customize the widget's behavior, with options for default widget mute, centered player, and more.

AI Content Writer

The AI content writer page is a unique and exciting feature of FacePop. Here, businesses can describe their goals, and the AI assistant will craft a compelling message for their widgets. The AI content writer feature helps businesses enhance their online engagement without having to spend significant time crafting messages.


FacePop also provides a range of integrations that enable businesses to collect email addresses and data seamlessly. These include Mailchimp, Google Sheets, Notion, Mailjet, Mailerlite, ActiveCampaign, and GetResponse, among others.

Instant Embed

One of the most useful features of FacePop is its instant embed functionality. Two buttons inside, "Connect a Website" and "Add Embed Condition", enable users to effortlessly embed their widgets on their websites. The dropdown on the "Instant Embed Settings" page shows all embed options, including "Do Not Show," "Show," "Show in Some Pages," "Show in Some Directories," and "Show via Regex."

FacePop Login Page


In conclusion, FacePop is a revolutionary tool for boosting online engagement. With its tailored call-to-action modes, seamless funneling, and integrated input field for easy email collection, businesses can enhance their customer interaction and engagement. This tool provides extensive customization options, including user targeting based on specific criteria.

FacePop also includes an AI assistant for crafting compelling messages, behavior settings to adjust the widget's functionality, and comprehensive performance reports for data-driven decision-making. This customizable video widget can be integrated with various tools, shared beyond the website through links or QR codes, and personalized using the CNAME feature. FacePop also supports webhooks for triggering custom actions and provides an SDK and API for further customization to suit unique needs.

FacePop Signup Page

So if you're looking for a powerful tool to enhance your online engagement, then FacePop is the perfect solution. With its easy-to-use interface, customization options, AI content writer, and instant embed functionality, businesses can enhance their customer interaction and engagement without any hiccups. What are you waiting for? Get started with FacePop today and watch your online engagement soar!

Learn more about FacePop's personalization power

Learn more about how to master online engagement with FacePop's video widget

Learn more about how to incorporate AI in your marketing strategy and crafting compelling messages with FacePop

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