Customizing Your Widgets: Exploring Extensive Options

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Published @ 12/06/2023 by

author fatos bediu

Fatos, Founder @


In today's competitive market, businesses are always looking for new ways to engage with their customers. One effective way to do this is through video widgets, which can be customized to promote specific products or services and encourage viewers to take action. That's where FacePop comes in – the ultimate customizable video widget!

FacePop offers tailored call-to-action modes and seamless funneling for creating an uninterrupted customer journey. With an integrated input field for easy email collection, you can turn your viewers into leads. Let's explore the various features of FacePop and how they can help increase customer engagement and conversions.

Tailored Call-to-Action Modes

One of the most significant advantages of FacePop is its tailored call-to-action modes. By creating various modes, you can optimize engagement and conversion for specific purposes, like getting viewers to sign up for your newsletter or schedule a demo. To create call-to-action modes, head over to the call-to-action builder page in the manager, edits, create, and delete FacePop widgets page.

FacePop CTA Builder Page

Funneling Call-to-Action Mode

The funneling call-to-action mode enables you to create an uninterrupted customer journey. It provides two essential buttons "Connect to Another FacePop" and "Redirect to URL on Click". On "Connect to Another FacePop" click, the users will be redirected to another FacePop of your choice. With the "Redirect to URL on Click" button, you can redirect users to a URL of your choice. Furthermore, it includes a button to open the URL in full-screen inside the widget as an iframe.

FacePop CTA Funneling Call-to-Action Mode

Conversion Call-to-Action Mode

The conversion call-to-action mode is perfect for encouraging viewers to take action, like scheduling a meeting or collecting email addresses. It includes a button to open the calendar for booking, which can be used for scheduling demos or appointments. The "Collect e-mail" button is perfect for collecting email addresses and plugging them into your CRM or marketing funnel. If you want to collect information other than an email address, you can use the text input field used for capturing data and connecting with buttons.

FacePop CTA Conversion Call-to-Action Mode

Other Call-to-Action Modes

If you want to add other custom call-to-action modes, FacePop offers a "Run Code on Click" button and a "Close this FacePop widget on Click" option.

Customizable Buttons

Every call-to-action mode includes several customizable button options. You can edit the button text, height, style, icon, and colors to fit your brand and campaign.

FacePop CTA Button Settings

AI Assistant

Another exciting feature of FacePop is its AI assistant, which helps you craft compelling messages. With the AI Content Writer page, all you have to do is describe your goal, and a button that fills your FacePop will be generated for you. This feature is perfect for those who struggle with crafting persuasive messages that convert.

AI Content Writer Page

Extensive Customization Options

FacePop offers extensive customization options to make your widget stand out. You can customize the look and feel and color schemes, player options, and font settings.

Look and Feel Settings

This page enables you to Adjust the widget's position in the page, shadow settings, vertical and horizontal margin. You can toggle width, height, and radius and show/hide play icon and show/hide the close icon. You can also change player width, height, radius, seeker height, controls size, and minimize icon choice.

FacePop Look and Feel Settings Page

Color Studio Settings

This page enables you to change all colors of FacePop elements with an input field feature. The color suggestions make it easy to keep your brand consistent.

FacePop Color Studio Settings Page

Font Studio Settings

This page enables you to change the font of FacePop from over 200 fonts and change the font sizes for all text elements.

FacePop Font Studio Settings Page

User Behavior Settings

With the user behavior settings, you can toggle specific features on and off, such as muting and unmuting the default widget, or centering the player or toggling it.

FacePop User Behavior Settings Page

Comprehensive Performance Reports

FacePop offers comprehensive reports for data-driven decision-making, helping you determine which widgets resonate best with your audience and which ones need tweaking. The reports include the Total Views, Total Watch time, and number of people that clicked the CTA, watching but didn't click the CTA and ignored FacePop, and can be accessed through the widget reports page.

FacePop Widget Reports Page

Additional Features

FacePop offers several additional features to further enhance your widget, like custom code, iframe embed, get link settings with a CNAME feature, and webhook integrations.


With FacePop, creating customizable video widgets has never been easier. Tailored call-to-action modes, AI content writers, comprehensive performance reports, and extensive customization options ensure that your widgets are designed to engage and convert customers effectively. By taking advantage of FacePop's features, you can create a marketing arsenal that looks fantastic and delivers the results you need. So why not give FacePop a try today?

Related URLs

Here's a link to a blog about the future of engagement with video widgets and tailored call-to-action modes. Learn more

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