Why Your Business Needs a Video Widget Like FacePop

Purple and White Light Illustration

Published @ 12/06/2023 by

author fatos bediu

Fatos, Founder @ FacePop.io

Interactive Video Widgets

As a business owner or marketer, keeping customers engaged and interacting with your website is paramount. One of the ways to do this is by incorporating customized video widgets that are tailored to your customers' needs. This is where FacePop comes in – a customizable video widget designed to enhance customer engagement and interaction.

FacePop Homepage

Facepop Features

With tailored call-to-action modes for optimized engagement and conversion, Facepop ensures customer interactions are seamless, resulting in uninterrupted customer journeys. The integrated input field feature makes email collection smooth and easy. Plus, the customized calendar booking feature and user targeting based on specific criteria make Facepop an indispensable tool for any business.

FacePop Signup Page

In addition to the above features, Facepop comes equipped with an AI assistant for crafting compelling messages. The behavior settings allow the widget's functionality to be adjusted to fit each specific website's needs.

With the shared workspace feature for team collaboration, the extensive customization options, and comprehensive performance reports, Facepop makes data-driven decision-making a walk in the park. What's more, FacePop can be personalized to suit your needs by using the CNAME feature. Furthermore, it can be integrated with various tools, and shared beyond the website through links or QR codes.

FacePop CTA Button Settings

Customization Options

When it comes to customizing Facepop, the possibilities are endless. With the AI content writer page, you can get suggestions for your call-to-action messages. The Look and Feel settings page allows you to adjust position, shadow settings, vertical and horizontal margin, toggle width, height, radius, show/hide play icon, and show/hide close icon. With the Player width, height, radius, seeker height, and controls size, you can create unique designs that engage your customers.

FacePop AI Content Writer Page

Furthermore, the Facepop Color Studio page lets you change all colors of Facepop elements with color input fields. There are even color suggestions to help you along the way, making sure your widget looks just right.

FacePop Color Studio Settings Page

If you want to change the font of the widget, you can go to the Facepop Font Studio page. Here, you can change the font from over 200 font styles and adjust the font sizes for all text elements.

For more advanced customization options, the custom code page allows you to add CSS and JS code to run directly inside Facepop.

FacePop Custom Code Page

Embedding and Sharing

FacePop can be embedded into your website or shared as a link or QR code. With the Instant Embed Settings page, you can connect your website, add embed conditions, and even limit the widget's appearance when needed using scroll depth, time on page, exit intent, by device, and by country settings.

FacePop Instant Embed Settings Page

For further sharing options, the Get Link Settings page allows you to get a link for the widget, and even add a CNAME so you can customize the domain of Facepop links.

FacePop CNAME Settings Modal

Webhook Integration

Facepop offers webhook integration for events like watching a Facepop, finishing a Facepop, visitor conversion, email collection, and Facepop closure. In the webhook log page, you can view all webhook activity for the Facepop widget.

FacePop Webhook Logs Page

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Facepop is a game-changer in the world of video widgets. From customized call-to-actions, seamless funneling, data-driven decision-making, and extensive customization options, Facepop is the ultimate tool for customer interactions.

FacePop Widget Reports Page

By using Facepop, businesses can take interactions with their customers to the next level. With these exclusive features and its unparalleled convenience, it's clear why any company would benefit from using Facepop. It's a tool that both streamlines processes and engages customers – ultimately leading to a healthier bottom line.

Learn more about the power of personalization and customizing your online tools.

Learn more about the secret to seamless customer journeys and integrated funneling.

facepop logo icon Try FacePop now.