The Ultimate Guide to Widget Customization: Changing Look, Feel, and Behavior

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Published @ 12/06/2023 by

author fatos bediu

Fatos, Founder @

Web development

Widgets are one of the most effective tools that online businesses can use to engage with website visitors and encourage them to take action. FacePop is a customizable video widget designed to increase customer interaction and engagement. In this article, we will delve deep into the different features and aspects of FacePop that make it a powerful tool for online businesses.

An Overview of FacePop

FacePop is a video widget that is designed to be highly customizable, with tailored call-to-action modes for optimized engagement and conversion. The widget is seamlessly funnelled, which means that it creates an uninterrupted customer journey, making it easier for your visitors to take action.

One of the most significant advantages of FacePop is that it provides an integrated input field for easy email collection. This feature makes it easier for businesses to collect email addresses from their website visitors, which is essential for email marketing campaigns.

Another excellent feature of FacePop is its integrated calendar booking, which allows visitors to schedule appointments with you or your team more efficiently. This feature saves time for both you and your visitors by streamlining the process of scheduling appointments.

Tailored Call-to-Action Modes

FacePop offers different call-to-action (CTA) modes for optimized engagement and conversion. These CTA modes are customizable, and businesses can choose the ones that best suit their needs. FacePop also offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tweak every aspect of your widget.

One of the most popular CTA modes is the funneling call-to-action mode, which allows you to connect one FacePop widget to another. This CTA mode is particularly useful for businesses with multiple services or products that they want to promote.

Another CTA mode is the conversion call-to-action mode. This mode is designed to encourage visitors to take a specific action, such as booking an appointment, subscribing to a newsletter, or adding a product to their cart. FacePop also features an integrated email collection feature that makes it easy for businesses to collect visitor email addresses.

AI Assistant for Compelling Messages

FacePop features an AI assistant that can help you craft compelling messages. This assistant is particularly useful for businesses that do not have a dedicated marketing department or copywriting team. The AI assistant can help you create messages that are more engaging and effective than those created by humans.

Behavior Settings

Another essential feature of FacePop is its behavior settings, which allows you to control how your widget functions. For example, you can choose to mute or unmute your widget by default, or you can position it in the center of the screen or on the side.

Shared Workspace and Comprehensive Performance Reports

FacePop also provides a shared workspace for team collaboration, making it easier for businesses to work together on projects. Additionally, FacePop provides comprehensive performance reports for data-driven decision-making, which is particularly useful for businesses that want to improve their conversion rates.

Webhooks and SDK/API Customization

FacePop supports webhooks for triggering custom actions, such as sending an email or updating a database. Additionally, FacePop provides an SDK and API for further customization to suit your unique needs.

Look and Feel Settings

FacePop also offers a range of look and feel settings, allowing businesses to customize the appearance of their widget. Businesses can choose the widget's position on the screen, adjust its shadow settings, and toggle its width and height.

The color studio setting allows businesses to change all the colors of your FacePop elements. You can also choose from color suggestions generated by FacePop.

FacePop also features a font studio that enables businesses to choose from over 200 fonts and to customize font sizes for all text elements.

Custom Code and Other Settings

FacePop allows you to insert custom CSS and JS to run directly inside your FacePop. This feature allows you to create even more customized and personalized experiences for your visitors.

Other FacePop settings include the ability to enable/disable FacePop branding, building usage reports and analytics, and setting the FacePop zIndex and ID.


FacePop is an incredibly powerful widget that businesses can use to engage with their website visitors and increase conversions. By using FacePop, businesses can create a more seamless and uninterrupted user journey that encourages visitors to take action. Additionally, the ability to fully customize the widget to suit your unique needs makes it a flexible and accessible tool for businesses of all sizes.

If you're looking for a powerful and customizable widget to take your business's online presence to the next level, FacePop is definitely worth considering. With its comprehensive range of features and customization options, FacePop allows businesses to create engaging, personalized, and effective user experiences.

Learn more by visiting the FacePop blog, where you'll find informative articles on how to make the most of FacePop's features.

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