Make Your Website Stand Out with FacePop's Video Widget

Brown Textile

Published @ 12/06/2023 by

author fatos bediu

Fatos, Founder @


In today's age of rapidly evolving digital technology, potential customers expect a personalized and engaging website. Static content is no longer enough to capture their attention. Fortunately, FacePop offers a customizable video widget designed explicitly for this purpose, enhancing customer interaction and engagement. In this blog post, we will dive into the exciting features that make FacePop a must-have for any online business.

Customizable Call-to-Action Modes

The key to any website's success is getting visitors to engage with its content. FacePop offers a variety of tailored call-to-action (CTA) modes to optimize engagement and conversion rates. The widget has integrated input fields for easy email collection, and you can even book appointments with the integrated calendar booking feature.

To customize your CTAs, the widget's CTA builder allows you to add buttons to connect to another FacePop widget or redirect visitors to a URL on click. Additionally, you can even open the URL in full-screen inside the widget as an iframe. FacePop also provides a run code button that can be used to perform custom actions. Furthermore, you can choose to close FacePop via another CTA button.

FacePop Call-to-Action Modes

Seamless Funneling

FacePop recognizes that creating an uninterrupted customer journey is important when crafting an online experience. As a result, FacePop's funneling feature enables users to ensure visitors continue their experience as part of a journey tailored by their preferences.

FacePop Funneling

Integrated AI Content Writer

Do you struggle with crafting compelling messages to engage with your visitors? With FacePop's integrated AI assistant, you can say goodbye to those worries. The AI assistant helps you come up with compelling messages that resonate with your target audience.

FacePop's Integrated AI Personal Assistant

Customization Options

FacePop offers extensive customization options to help users create a unique and personalized website experience. You can adjust the widget's look and feel, including its position on the page, shadow settings, vertical and horizontal margins. You can also toggle width, height, and radius, showcase/hide the play and close icons, and customize the player's width, height, radius, seeker height, control sizes, and minimize icon choices.

FacePop's Color Studio allows you to change all colors of FacePop elements using color input fields, while the Font Studio enables you to select from over 200 fonts and modify font sizes for all text elements. Flip from the default muted or unmuted settings to engage with the visitors' preferences.

FacePop Customization Options

User Targeting Based on Specific Criteria

Another critical aspect of creating a personalized and engaging website is targeting the right audience. Using FacePop, you can tailor your CTAs based on specific criteria such as behavior settings and device or country preferences. These unique features offer better personalization, resulting in improved conversion rates.

FacePop User Targeting Criteria

Team Collaboration and Comprehensive Performance Reports

FacePop acknowledges the importance of teamwork and provides a shared workspace for improved collaboration. With comprehensive performance reports, you can easily evaluate the effectiveness and impact of your FacePop widget onto your website. The robust integration options that FacePop has with over 15 email marketing tools also helps streamline the performance reporting process while maintaining its value for tailoring messages to your subscribers.

FacePop Analytics and Reports

SDK/API Integrations

FacePop's API and SDK integration features allow you to customize the widget to fit your unique business needs. With these tools, you can create face pop-ups that match your website's existing theme and plug-ins. You can also use webhooks to trigger custom actions and enhance your website's functionality.

FacePop Custom Code Section


In conclusion, FacePop is an effective way to enhance customer interaction and improve visitor engagement on your website. With its customizable call-to-action modes, seamless funneling, integrated AI assistant, and comprehensive performance reports, FacePop is the perfect tool for businesses of any size. With flexible SDK and API integrations, you can tailor your FacePop widget to your unique business needs. Visit the FacePop website to learn more and take your online presence to the next level.

Explore more of what FacePop has to offer and how it can transform your online strategy in this related article. Learn more.

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