Harness the Power of Video Widgets with FacePop

Low Angle Photography of Tunnel

Published @ 12/06/2023 by

author fatos bediu

Fatos, Founder @ FacePop.io


In today's digital age, customer engagement is perhaps more crucial than ever before. Without the ability to connect with and understand your customers' needs, it's difficult to truly fulfill their desires. This is where video widgets come in. Able to integrate seamlessly with your website while providing a range of engagement tools and data insights, these little powerhouses can take your customer interactions to the next level. One such impressive tool is FacePop - a fantastic customizable video widget that is sure to delight users and empower your business.

FacePop Homepage

So, what makes FacePop so special? First and foremost, it is highly customizable and designed with customer engagement and conversion in mind. This means features such as tailored call-to-action modes that optimize engagement, seamless funneling that creates an uninterrupted customer journey, and an integrated input field for easy email collection. Sounds pretty great already, right?

But wait, there's more. FacePop also offers an integrated calendar booking feature, which is fantastic for businesses that rely on appointment scheduling. The level of customization offered by FacePop is also worth noting. Users are able to personalize the widget beyond their website through sharing links or QR codes, and can even use the CNAME feature to add a custom domain and strengthen brand identity.

FacePop Pricing Page

One of the standout features of FacePop is its AI assistant, which can help users craft compelling messages, and use behavior settings to adjust the widget's functionality, as well as a shared workspace for team collaboration. The extensive performance reports also make data-driven decision-making easy, providing users with a comprehensive analysis of user engagement, conversion rates, and more.

So, what call-to-action options does FacePop offer? Users can choose from funneling call-to-actions that connect to other FacePop widgets, redirect to URLs or open them within the widget as a full screen, or even show conversion call-to-actions such as booking/calendar appointments, collecting email addresses, or enabling text input fields for capturing data. The various call-to-action modes can be further customized according to the brand's unique needs, including editing button text, height, style, icon and colors.

FacePop Call to Action Builder Page

But what about FacePop's overall look and feel? We all know that appearances matter, and this widget doesn't disappoint in that department either. Users can customize the widget's position and shadow settings, as well as its width, height, and radius. They can even show/hide the play and close icons, and customize controls like player width, height, radius, seeker height, and minimization icon choices.

FacePop Look and Feel Settings Page

Users can also tailor the widget's colors according to their brand identity, with suggestions offered by the FacePop color studio. Additionally, there are over 200 fonts to choose from, with a range of font sizes for text elements. The widget's behavior can also be adjusted, such as automatically muting/unmuting, a centered-player position toggle, and the choice to enable/disable FacePop branding.

FacePop Color Studio Settings Page

And of course, FacePop offers API and SDK for further customization according to unique needs. Custom CSS and JS can be edited directly through the widget with ease, providing maximum functionality and control.

FacePop Custom Code Page

FacePop's many features are designed to be as user-friendly as possible. Even those that are new to the game will find it easy to set up, with options for sharing beyond their website and comprehensive customer support. With FacePop, you can take your engagement and conversion rates to the next level.

FacePop Signup Page

So, why wait? Harness the power of video widgets with FacePop, and give your customers the level of engagement they deserve. Learn more about the exciting features that this groundbreaking widget has to offer, and join the thousands of businesses that have already made the switch to revolutionize customer engagement.

Learn more about maximizing data potential with comprehensive performance reports.

Learn more about exploring the power of API and SDK for customized engagement.

facepop logo icon Try FacePop now.