Elevate Team Collaboration with FacePop's Shared Workspace

Water splatter with drops glittering on black background

Published @ 12/06/2023 by

author fatos bediu

Fatos, Founder @ FacePop.io

Productivity Tools

In today's fast-paced digital world, enhancing customer engagement is not just a necessity but a top priority for most businesses. That's where FacePop comes in, a customizable video widget that takes customer interaction to the next level. But that's not all; FacePop is not just a tool for engaging customers, but it's also designed to elevate team collaboration through its innovative shared workspace feature.

FacePop Homepage

FacePop's homepage is sleek, modern, and sets the tone for the product. It clearly showcases the core features of the tool, making it easy to understand what you can achieve with it. From customized call-to-action modes to seamless funneling, FacePop has got you covered. And let's not forget about the integrated input field for email collection and an integrated calendar booking feature for a hassle-free process.

But it's the shared workspace that sets FacePop apart from other customer engagement tools. The workspace allows multiple team members to collaborate and work together on FacePop projects seamlessly. The shared workspace is perfect for marketers, sales teams, and customer support teams who work on customer engagement strategies.

FacePop Manager

Once you've signed up for FacePop, you're welcomed with a dashboard that's easy to navigate. You have a clear overview of your projects, and you can easily create and manage FacePop widgets. The manager feature within FacePop makes it easy to edit, create, and delete widgets and customize them to your liking. The tool offers extensive customization options, such as adding custom colors, fonts, and behavior settings, giving you the freedom to create your very own unique widget.

FacePop CTA Builder

One of the most significant features of FacePop is its tailored call-to-action modes. This feature is vital for optimizing customer engagement and conversion. With facepop's and the call-to-action mode builder, you can add different types of CTAs, such as a button that connects to another FacePop or redirects to a URL on click. You can also open URLs in full-screen inside the widget as an iframe, which is perfect for keeping customers engaged and reducing bounce rates.

FacePop CTA Modes

You can also add conversion call-to-action modes, such as a button to open a calendar for booking or collect email addresses. The text input field can be used for capturing data and connecting with custom buttons. The feature also includes other call-to-action modes, such as a button to run code on click or close the FacePop widget on click.

FacePop CTA Settings

The CTA button settings within FacePop allow you to customize the button's text, height, style, icon, and colors. You can also edit the URL and target when configuring the redirect to URL mode. Additionally, you can edit the URL when configuring the open URL in full-screen as an iframe mode and insert calendar URLs for the calendar booking mode or select integration for collecting email addresses. There's even a customizable text input field to capture data.

Beyond all these customization options, FacePop's AI assistant for crafting compelling messages makes it easy to deliver high-quality interactions with your customers. The AI assistant's behavior settings allow you to adjust the widget's functionality, whereas the shared workspace makes it easy for team collaboration and management.

FacePop Look and Feel Settings

The look and feel settings page in FacePop makes it easy to adjust the widget's position in the page, shadow settings, vertical and horizontal margin, and more. The player width, height, radius, seeker height, and control size can all be adjusted to suit your needs. There's even a choice to show/hide the play and close icons. Furthermore, the color studio settings allow you to change all the widget's colors to fit your brand. You can choose from a selection of color suggestions or use color input fields to customize to your liking. The font studio settings allow you to change the font of FacePop from 200+ font choices and adjust font sizes for all text elements.

FacePop Webhook Settings

FacePop's webhook feature is perfect for triggering custom actions. The feature allows the user to create different webhooks for different events such as watching FacePop, finished watching FacePop, visitor converted, email collected, and FacePop closed. The logs page displays all webhook logs for the widget and shows the response status of all webhooks that have fired.

In conclusion, FacePop is a great tool to increase customer engagement and conversion. Its shared workspace feature enhances team collaboration and makes it easy to work on customer engagement strategies. With its extensive customization options, tailored call-to-action modes, and AI assistant, FacePop is a valuable asset for any business looking to take their customer engagement to the next level.

If you're interested in learning more about how FacePop can elevate your customer engagement, head over to their website today. You won't be disappointed!

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