Customizing Your Website Experience with FacePop

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Published @ 12/06/2023 by

author fatos bediu

Fatos, Founder @

Website Widget

As the digital world becomes more crowded than ever, website owners have had to get creative in their quest for engagement. Pop-ups, chatbots, and other AI-powered tools have all been employed with mixed success. But what if there was a video widget that could offer tailored call-to-action modes, extensive customization options, seamless funneling, and comprehensive performance reports, all in one package?

Welcome to FacePop, the customizable video widget that is revolutionizing online customer interaction and engagement.

A Look Inside FacePop

Let's dive right into why FacePop is the perfect addition to your website.

At its core, FacePop is a video widget that can be tailored to match your website's branding and design. You can upload any video you want and use it as the focal point for your interactions with your customers.

But it's not just a video player. FacePop has a wide array of call-to-action modes that enable you to optimize your engagement and conversion rates.

One of the key features of FacePop is the ability to create seamless funneling. This means that customers who interact with your FacePop video widget can have an uninterrupted journey through your funnel, leading to higher conversion rates.

To make capturing customer information even easier, FacePop has an integrated input field for email collection. This enables you to maintain a list of warm leads for future marketing campaigns.

Plus, if you offer booking or scheduling services, you can integrate your calendar directly into FacePop to enable customers to book your services right then and there, without the need for additional steps.

Advanced Customization with Ease

One of the benefits of FacePop is that it is highly customizable. You can customize the look and feel of the widget to match your brand's colors, fonts, and overall style.

FacePop offers a variety of pre-built call-to-action modes that you can customize according to your desired outcomes. For instance, you can create a funneling call-to-action that connects to another FacePop or redirects to a specific URL. You can create a conversion call-to-action that enables customers to book your services or sign up for your mailing list.

If that's not enough, you can also create other call-to-action modes, like running a code on click or closing the FacePop widget after completion.

But it doesn't stop there. FacePop's CTA button settings enable adjustments to text, height, style, icon, and colors. And the CTA redirect to URL settings enable editing of the URL, as well as adjusting the target to open in a new or the same window.

The CTA open URL in full screen as iframe settings can take that functionality even further, where you can adjust the URL to open it directly into the widget. And the CTA calendar booking settings allow integration with Calendly and other third-party calendar tools to make booking appointments and other services a breeze.

For those who want to capture customer data, the CTA email collector settings enable adding an email collection tool like Mailchimp, Google Sheets, or other integrations to capture email addresses.

And if none of these options fit your needs, you can add a text input field to your FacePop widget to gather more customized data. And, for the advanced users, FacePop even offers a custom code page where you can add custom CSS and JS directly into the widget.

But that's just the beginning of the customization options FacePop provides. You can also adjust player look and feel with the facepop look and feel settings page, behavior settings to decide how video plays by default, and font and color customization with the font and color studio settings pages.

For businesses that want to integrate FacePop more deeply into their website, FacePop also offers a range of instant embedding options. You can add it to specific pages, directories, or through regex. Additionally, you can add conditions to your FacePop widget, such as time on page or scroll depth.

You can even override default viewer behavior, like forcing a FacePop widget to mute or unmute or adjust the player’s position to be more centered or edge-of-screen. Plus, if you want to ensure that specific webhooks are fired in response to certain events, FacePop lets you create and manage custom webhooks.

And, for companies that want to add an extra layer of branding to their website, FacePop provides custom domain options, along with the ability to toggle FacePop branding on and off.

AI-Assisted Content Writing

For those who struggle with crafting the perfect message, FacePop even offers an AI content writer page. This page has a text area where you describe your goals, and it offers suggestions for button text, CTA types, and other settings to optimize engagement.

Easy Collaboration and Reports

One of the impressive features of FacePop is the shared workspace for team collaboration. With this space, connecting with teammates to customize FacePop’s functionality is easier than ever before.

As you adjust and tune the video widget, you can use FacePop’s usage reports and analytics page to monitor performance, keep an eye on conversion rates, and drive data-driven optimization for your video widgets.


FacePop does more than just play video - it can enhance your website's customer engagement in a worthwhile way. The level of customization and ease of use that FacePop offers is impressive, and you can be sure that your customers will love having a more interactive and personalized experience on your website.

So, why not try FacePop out for yourself today? You might be surprised by how much of a difference it can make for your website's performance.

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